One of the things I like about the Sungrow SBR HV battery is its modular design. Sungrow claims it is easy to drop in extra modules after installation – if you decide you need more kWh of storage in the future.
But is that really true?
I tested Sungrow’s claim by adding an extra 3.2 kWh battery module to my year-old installation and timing how long it took to install.
The video above has all the details – but if you don’t feel like watching me drone on, here’s a summary:
Should You Go For A Modular Or Non-Modular Battery?
One of the many choices you’ll need to make when looking into solar batteries is – modular or non-modular.
We recently covered modular batteries in great detail.
What it boils down to is – modular batteries offer more flexibility and cheaper upgrades.
My Battery Needed Pre-Conditioning
One interesting quirk about adding to a modular battery stack is all modules need the same charge before you can add a new unit.
So, the night before, my installer remotely conditioned my battery stack to bring all battery modules to a 20% state of charge, saving hours of waiting on install day.
Interview With Don From DQ Electrical
My initial system was installed by DQ Electrical, based in Gepps Cross, SA. They did a great job the first time around, and I want to keep my warranties under one roof.

I chatted with Don, owner of DQ Electrical
Here’s a transcript of the conversation we had:
Finn: Don, you’ve been installing modular batteries like the Sungrow and the BYD for a while now. Are you a fan of the modular architecture?
Don: We’re massive fans of modular architecture. It gives our customers the absolute freedom to add extra modules as they require.
Finn: What’s your best guess? How long is it going to take today?
Don: Adding one module will probably take us about an hour today.
Finn: So I’m adding one module today, 3.2 kilowatt-hours.
Don: Sure.
Finn: But if I wanted to add, say, three modules, how long would that take?
Don: Yeah, adding one module or three modules is pretty much the same amount of time. It’s literally taking the head unit off, dropping the new modules in, and then replacing the head unit and commissioning. So you’re probably talking an extra 30 seconds per module. On this particular model, you can go up to 25 kilowatt-hours worth of storage, which is eight modules.
Finn: Yeah. Cool. And that’s going to be more than enough for most homes?
Don: Definitely. Most homes, the average home we see around that 16 kilowatt-hours worth of storage generally does it.
Finn: If this wasn’t modular and I wanted to add a second battery, how long would that take an electrician?
Don: To add a second battery, you’re probably talking six to eight hours worth of work to put in a full battery with cabling and wiring. Going modular from the beginning allows you to have everything in situ and ready to go, and then it’s simply dropping extra batteries on top of the stack to get that desired kilowatt-hour storage that you’re looking for.
Finn: Cool. Well, let’s see if you’re right and if you can get this module on in under an hour.
Don: I’m sure we will.
Race Against The Clock
Don predicted adding the module to my stack would take about an hour. I started my stopwatch, and his team got to work:
The result?

33 minutes later, my system was ready to go.
I now have 16kWh instead of 12.8kWh installed in under an hour.
One of the problems – across the board with ALL technology is their rapid development.. So modular idea is great but how long before technology upgrades and you would not have the ability / stock to upgrade. Our SolareEdge initial 6.7 kw system was great .. 12 months later things have moved on .. so and upgrade was not simple but involved adding a second inverter and another 6.7 kw system of panels .. BUT that’s life in our fast changing world ..🤔
I recently expanded my BYD battery. What I found out was that it was hard to find an electrician to do it for less than $1,200 (labor). I was told that “the license” was expensive and they charged for that. Thanks to Finn and Solar quotes I was able to find some reasonable electrician. Thank you Finn and the team.
I started with three modules (9.6kw), a year later expanded to five (16kw), next week (two years later) we’re adding another three for 25kw.
I’m going with a new installer, the original wouldn’t return my email requesting a quote, to be honest, I don’t even know if they’re still in business….disappointed doesn’t express how I feel.
Not the first time this has happened with solar suppliers either, it seems good follow up these days is hard to find.
I obtained the new installer through Solarquotes so, thanks.
Back to batteries though…😉
Since fitting the system, we’ve had zero power bills, we’re always in credit in spite of falling FIT.
Recently changed electricty supplier as a result, hunted the best FIT and still in credit after three months.
Regardless of FIT, we’re now future proofed against electricity prices.
Best decision we made!
Interesting. Last week just added another battery to my current 10kwh SolarEdge battery. Total now 20kwh. Current battery has been in use for 18 months. Previously had a SolarEdge inverter over 4 years now with 11kw Solar. Hence have kept in the SolarEdge ecosystem.
Installation of 2nd battery was surprisingly simple only taking 3 hours, start to finish. Involved additional wiring from 1st to 2nd battery and a software update. No ‘balancing’ of the battery percentage required. The SolarEdge App recognised the new arrangement immediately, so did Amber SmartShift and starting filling for the evening grid dispatch. Import / Export from battery has now increased from 5kw to 8kw.
While not as ‘modular’ as the SunGrow, the SolarEdge upgrade was very straightforward.
Sig would be probably 10mins
Video it to prove it!
The only caution that I have is that the batteries need well balanced in order for them to optimally charge. In effect the charging is limited by the worst performer. So, for example, a battery that has deteriorated to 80% capacity will cause all other batteries (in parallel) to only charge to 80%.
I know this is the case with adding a battery to a caravan and suspect it is the same for house batteries.
If so, the message is don’t wait too long to add extra batteries.
The amount of time to install is not such a big deal imho. What’s a much more salient consideration is the availability (and interest) of installers, bureaucratic rules, and installation site parameters such as switch board capacity, location availability. and of course $$$. So much is changing so quickly that it’s important to figure out what one wants and get it all done on one hit. That’s my experience anyway – WA consumer — metropolitan region.
The Sungrow modular batteries are a tried and true system, but Sungrow recently launched the new SBH series of batteries which are more expensive but offer a higher amperage of discharge. Given this, it may be worth asking if the SBH series is the future of Sungrow batteries or will Sungrow continue to offer both ranges for ten plus years to come?
Like the previous blog, I’m more interested in whether Sungrow will raise their warranty to 70% capacity after ten years in order to meet the new government requirements for a subsidy.
You might think you have 16kwhs but I doubt it.
I would be very wary of expanding a Sungrow battery installation.
Since I doubled the number of modules, to 19.2kwhs I only ever get 16Kwhs discharged from 100% state of Charge “SoC” to 0%. Sungrow’s data sheet & marketing state their battery power is 100% usable. This is false & misleading, by Sungrow’s own admission to me, in writing. In order to justify the reduced capacity of my installation Sungrow say that when their Isolarcloud app shows 0%SoC it is really 5% and this 5% is not usable.
And this isnt half my problem, 1/3rd of it actually.
I am not sure if my 9.6kWh system was actually that or even only 95% of that. My 19.2Kwh system is really only 16kWhrs – that’s a shortfall of 15%+. And Sungrow are not interested in satisfying that issue.
Sungrow might still be competitive in the market even if their battery isnt 100% usable. I suggest that my 16kwhs for the price of 19 kwhs is not though.
I made my decision on the basis that it was 100% usable. And even if only 95% usable I have a missing 10%. It is very disappointing to say the least.
Also, I was aware Sungrow and the installer could control my system to trouble shoot etc. However, I had assumed that before any such tinkering, such as draining the battery at 5kw to the grid for a pittance of a FiT late in the afternoon when I could have used it to heat the house or charge an EV, Sungrow would have TOLD me in advance. Actually, I thought that they might be REQUIRED TO ASK if they could. But no. Even after complaining about it twice before they do it again. Perhaps they are all like this but I would be surprised.
I wonder if regulators are aware of this, especially as they are trying to encourage householders to install these systems only for them to be controlled by faceless unaccountable people without permission of the actual owner of the property.
Sonnen is supposed to be upgradable as well but I went back to add more storage to my 10kWh battery after 5 years and the answer was no?