Posts By Anthony Bennett On SolarQuotes

About Anthony Bennett

Anthony joined the SolarQuotes team in 2022. He’s a licensed electrician, builder, roofer and solar installer who for 14 years did jobs all over SA - residential, commercial, on-grid and off-grid. A true enthusiast with a skillset the typical solar installer might not have, his blogs are typically deep dives that draw on his decades of experience in the industry to educate and entertain. Read Anthony's full bio.

Cold Months, High Bills? The Case for Expanding Your Solar

three GE solar inverters
So you’ve just enjoyed your first solar summer with a basic 6.6kW system, but you’re finding the bills in winter still give you the chills, don’t worry; you’re not alone. It’s not uncommon for new solar installations to undergo expansion after the first winter. Read on as I explain how.

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Want An All-Electric Solar Home? Get A Bigger Switchboard.

New enlarged main switchboard

An excellent 50-pole switchboard upgrade. An absolute credit to Deionno Electrical & Solar

Despite modern electrical standards calling for spare space in switchboards, even brand-new places can struggle with switchboard space when adding solar, battery or EV charging equipment. [Read more…]

Upgrading Vintage Solar? You May Need To Start Again

Old cottage with old solar power system

Like the rest of Burra, this solar system should be heritage listed.

Are you an early adopter of solar power? Are you wondering how to install a new solar system alongside your existing one? Or if you need to replace it entirely? And what about the solar rebate if you’ve already received it? Plus, how does the Premium Feed-in Tariff (FiT) factor into your decision?
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Upgrade Your Solar To Be Bigger & Better (And Immune To Export-Charges)

Solar panels all over a roof

image credit: Kelvin Graves – Crap Solar Facebook group

I’ve recently noticed an uptick in questions from previously satisfied solar owners. With rising prices eroding their savings, they’re looking to boost their solar yield. If you’d like more solar, read on and we’ll explain how to go about it.
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Is Your Home A Solar Installer’s Worst Nightmare?

solar installer having a mare

Trawling an album recently, I was traumatized to recall one particular solar installation. I took nearly 20 photos at the time to prove why, in this case, it was such a nightmare. [Read more…]

NSW Battery Rebate: How To Triumph Despite The Confusion

So you’ve heard about NSW offering an incentive between $1600 and $2400 to install a home battery. It’s great news but if you’re confused about exactly how this battery rebate works, don’t worry, so is the solar industry. Installer angst is palpable; but read on and I’ll explain there’s opportunities to make this work for everyone.

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Modular Home Batteries Explained: All The Benefits & Key Considerations

Australian electrician installing a modular home battery

The Tesla Powerwall is renowned for being a shiny white slab of energy storage, but what if you’re willing to sacrifice some style for modularity? Are modular home batteries a better choice? [Read more…]

Innovations and Insights: Adelaide’s Annual SEIA Solar Showcase

Marina scene

SEIA Adelaide venue.

It’s a tough job, but someone has to show up at the yacht club—strictly for work, of course. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) roadshow has just swung through Adelaide, and once again, I, your dedicated SolarQuotes installer and blogger, was there. Not for the cold beers and sea breeze, mind you, but to get the scoop on what’s new, from the who’s who in solar. Read on as I explain how this is both a fun day out and critical to maintaining industry excellence.
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HOEM Device Converts V2L Cars To V2H – For Under $1,000

Many Australians are having an epiphany: electric vehicles are big batteries on wheels that could, in theory, be used to power our homes using a V2H (Vehicle to Home) system. [Read more…]

Good Flashings For Solar; Holes In Your Roof Made Waterproof

solar array on roof with wiring

Image credit: Solar Depot

There are many ways to make a weatherproof cable entry to your iron roof, but as far as I’m concerned, all of them except one are wrong. In this post, I’ll explain what 20 years of roofing experience has taught me about making the perfect wiring penetration. [Read more…]

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